SO-RI #013


- Lise Van den Broucke

Published by SO-RI, Antwerp, 2024.
RISO printed in Blue, Fluor. Pink and Yellow.
24 x 34 cm, 40 posters.



‘Muscles’ is an image research into masculinity in online algorithms. By entering targeted search queries, Lise Van den Broucke came across these medical stock images of human muscle fibers.

These medical stock images are licensed under Creative Commons 0. This means all content is free, with no restrictions on how the material may be used, reused, adapted or modified for any purposes, without restriction under copyright or database law. As an artist Lise made some miniscule adjustments like color and enlarge poor image quality.

When the artwork in this publication is reused or copied, the meaning changes and the artwork fades.

SO-RI / Marnicq Roebben
Appelstraat 53
2140 Borgerhout, Belgium

0032 475 46 57 95