SO-RI #005

The Grey Book

- Annie Naskyd

Published by SO-RI, Antwerp, 2022.
RISO printed in Black, Fluor. Orange, Green and Purple.
19.5 x 26cm, 52 pages.



The Grey Book delves into the principles of permaculture gardening and how they can be applied to contemporary urban design. It highlights the issue of soulless urban spaces that are filled with decorative trees and plants which fail to contribute to the local ecosystem.

Annie created a series of graphic illustrations that correspond to the sourced text in the book. She constructed each image using 10 distinct 'pixels,' placing them one by one until the picture was ‘complete’. Annie has since incorporated this approach into my other design projects, blending the principles of manual work and artistry into her designs.

SO-RI / Marnicq Roebben
Appelstraat 53
2140 Borgerhout, Belgium

0032 475 46 57 95