SO-RI #001

76 Collages

- Sarah Stone

Published by SO-RI, Antwerp, 2021.
RISO printed in Black, Blue, Bright Red, Green and Yellow.
16 x 24cm, 76 pages.



Having been inspired by a trip to the Musee Matisse in Nice, Sarah started to create her own take on the ‘Jazz’ art book. What began as a summer project, turned into a fruitful collection of bold and colorful collages. Sarah cut out pieces of paper and positioned them onto a white background, trapping the forms between two glass plates. She would scan these and eventually turn them into library of digitally pasted compositions. This system led to spontaneous prints of colourful cut paper collages.

In March 2019 she exposed one hundred of them in a joint exhibition at De Bouwput in Amsterdam. A year later, she is collaborating with SO-RI publishing, to turn these artworks into a RISO printed book. The layering of colors and chalky crayon texture that comes with the riso ink is a welcomed new approach on the project, re-shaping them into a set of lively prints. A selection of 76 collages have been made for this publication.

SO-RI / Marnicq Roebben
Appelstraat 53
2140 Borgerhout, Belgium

0032 475 46 57 95
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